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And The Hurricane Hit on

And the hurricane hit. This gargantuan bitch was on the shores of Puerto Rico, doing her best to use the might of her large frame and the slope of her forehead to deflect the winds. But alas, she is merely a mortal (possibly a post-op; we are not too sure). After the carnage was done and the commonwealth turned into an island of mud, she floated on a raft northwards, because the storm had already crossed the 80th meridian, which is eighty degrees west longitude, being that the storm was 1/15th above due west toward true north, so we weren't worried for her safety. When her raft pulled into the New York Harbor, we fished her out and threw her in an Uber. We hosed the salt water off of her in our makeshift shower, and she was ready to shoot.Like most women from "that region" are known to have a hot temper, this sentry was no different. She stood there stern-faced, broad-shouldered, squinty-eyed as if guarding Asgard. We knew there would be some issues with attitude and of course there were. But we have been learnin' hoes a long time... and hoes still have plenty of learnin' to do. And at the end of it all, covered in phlegm and bile, cum and a fake smile, she licked whatever was remaining off her weather-beaten tits. Stubbornly and defiantly she ate droplets of gringo DNA that we had her wipe off and wipe in. Her skin was prepared for her harrowing raft trip home, back to the island of mud. This Boricua was a mariner once again, albeit via raft, or possibly inner tube, we didn't stick around.

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